A message from the Trustees To: The PLAYSKILL team, parents and their children, and all our supporters.

These are unprecedented and deeply worrying times for all of us.
I wanted to let you know as soon as possible our current view of the situation now and over the next 6 months.
The Trustees of Playskill with Andrea have formed a “Cobra-style” crisis management group to guide us through these turbulent times.
We had our first meeting today and have formed broad views about the way in which we will progress.
We have decided that PLAYSKILL will continue to operate and keep the team together so that we will emerge in good shape when all of this ends.
Through prudent financial management and superb fundraising PLAYSKILL is in a strong financial position and we intend keeping the current treatment, support, fundraising, finance and admin teams in place and employed for the foreseeable future.
Our venues are closed which means that we cannot meet to treat even if this were practical and sensible – which it isn’t. We cannot say how long this will continue, but it is our intention that we will use our teams to continue to deliver treatment and support using alternative remote methods.
Andrea and her team are busy working now on finding ways to do this. It is new territory for us all and ideas and thoughts from everybody will be welcome to help us work out the most practical and beneficial ways of turning this into reality.
Fundraising remains vital so that we can continue to deliver our services and we ask for continued support from all of you.
Over the next few days Andrea will be communicating in more detail what this means to all of you.
I know that you will all appreciate that events are moving so quickly and the situation may change. We will keep the situation under continuous review and understand that we cannot promise that things won’t change over the next days, and weeks.
We all realise how important PLAYSKILL is to you.
We are united in the view that PLAYSKILL will continue to operate and provide the best possible treatment and support that is possible in these extreme circumstances.
We are determined to keep the unique PLAYSKILL team of experts together so that their skills remain available to help us all through this temporary national and global crisis so that we can emerge ready and able to resume our normal operations as soon as possible.
The Trustees are fully aware of the difficulties which all of you face and over the next weeks will do our best to assist.
Stay healthy – we are thinking of all of you
With best wishes from all of the Trustees
Stuart Soloway