Christmas Parties 2017
On Friday we had our Playskill parties thanks to Soul Survivor Watford with a wonderful sensory grotto made by the Webb family and presents donated by the Fence club for all the delighted children who attended, 97 presents were wrapped up in total by an amazing team of volunteers.
The first party was with our pre-school children and we had a VIP visit from Deputy Mayor of Watford Peter Taylor, and at the second party which was for our school age children we had a VIP visit from Watford MP Richard Harrington. We had visits too from Sue and Maxine the Lady Golf Captains of Ashridge Golf Club, they very kindly brought cheques for us for over £800!
In memory of Cedric Levitt our trustee the Volunteer Award was presented to Sarita our Toy Library Co-Ordinator and Group volunteer for all her hard work for Playskill. Ruth Colin from Hartbeeps delighted all the younger children with a wonderful music session and then further delighted us all with the wonderful news that her Synagogue was donating over £5000 to Playskill in March 2018!