New Playskill film
We are delighted to launch our new film all about our work during the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been an incredibly challenging time for us all not least figuring out how we could keep Playskill running so our vital work to support many of you, would not stop.
We have teamed up with Watford based videographers Think About it Films to showcase how we adapted and delivered our service over the last few months. You can view our film below. Please do share with your family,
friends and anyone who may be interested in our work.
Please donate whatever you can to Playskill from Think About It Films on Vimeo.
I am so proud of the team and how they were able to rapidly innovate our service to become completely remote in time for the Summer term. As you can imagine it was no mean feat, from working out the tech to scheduling the appointments, delivering the sessions and keeping the funds coming in, everyone has been working incredibly hard behind the scenes.
I am proud to let you know that during this pandemic across the summer term Playskill has;
- Supported 54 children and their families with weekly remote support and advice services
- Taken on 9 children from our waiting list who would have otherwise had no support
- Made 64 initial welfare calls to families, offering treatment and support.
- Undertook 94 video assessments for more than 50 children.
- Delivered 221 personalised, one-to-one video sessions with a Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist and Speech and Language Therapist,
directly into homes (over 110 hours of treatment!). - Delivered 12 Parent Training Sessions via Zoom (on topics including Sensory Processing, Preparing for School, Money Advice Unit,
Potty Training) - Held 10 Zoom drop-in chat sessions for parents with our Parent Support Workers.
- Shared more than 20 bespoke videos with families, made by our therapists with strategies for mobility and communication (with more
than 1,800 views!) - Made more than 200 welfare calls to former Playskill families whose children are now of school age.
Thank you to everyone who has helped us with these wonderful achievements.