
September 19, 2017

Party Joy

little girl with thumbs up

We had our end of term parties today and they were a great success!! Our morning parties were for the AM groups and we had a beach theme with water and sand play which was great fun, followed by singing and then lunch all together. It was a really special event and all the children were full of smiles!

Our Hemel reunion party and PM party was at Langlebury children’s farm thanks to the kindness of Ian and Sandra again! The children and families had the run of the farm and after a long week we had a lovely time with the animals and playing in the space. We had a picnic in the sunshine. Happy Days indeed!!
None of this would be possible without our amazing teams. Here is a picture too of Stephanie our new Volunteer Co-Ordinator who is pictured with some of our amazing volunteers on team, she is working on support and development of our volunteers thanks to the Big Lottery’s support for her post following the visit this January 2017.