Thank you from happy parent
Diane, the mother of Alex who attended Playskill last term, wrote the following to Playskill’s team leader, Andrea:
‘I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you so much for everything you have done for Alex, he is a totally different child!!! Both my kids loved the Xmas party as did my mum too.
Afer the party Alex returned to Great Ormond Street where Sue Maillard is really pleased with his progress. She has advised me for the next 2/3 months to stop the exercises and not to see her and to see how Alex develops by himself. He is also doing very well at nursery so much so they have offered him 5 mornings as his progress is going in the right direction. Which leads me to his Playskill place, part of me would love him to return, however I must listen to Sue and the nursery and let my baby try and excel by himself. I know there are children who are far worse than Alex who are probably desperate for a place just as I was when Alex wasn’t walking, so therefore I’ve made the tough decision to say give his place to another child who may need it more than him. If there is at any time a Playskill group which happens in the afternoons I would welcome the opportunity of Alex going.’