
January 14, 2021

Visit and message from the High Sheriff of Hertfordshire

Last term we were delighted to welcome the High Sheriff of Hertfordshire and his wife to the Lemarie Centre to see how we had adapted our work in light of the COVID -19 pandemic. All socially distanced (the High Sheriff and his wife looked in from outside and joined a video call) we highlighted the need that some of our children are currently facing, that key development windows would be missed without our intervention work, having life changing results. 

High Sheriff's visit

The High Sheriff was impressed with the work our staff were doing and how they were keeping themselves and the children safe with the many COVID-19 protocols in place. We must be the only charity to keep the High Sheriff out in the cold! 

Just before the New Year we were thrilled to find out we had been nominated for a High Sheriff Award with the virtual ceremony taking place in March. Watch this Space! We also received this message of support we wanted to share with you. 

Thank you for sending me a copy of your New Year message to Playskill. Whilst we live in a confused world and worrying times it is heartening to read of the positives you and your colleagues at Playskill have achieved over the last year. Like us all, you were caught unaware of what was coming and you have used all your resources to maintain your services with successful outcomes. Many youngsters and their families are truly grateful for this. 

Very best wishes for the year ahead, we know the next few months will be the hardest challenge yet but let’s hope the spring and summer bring better times. 
