
November 16, 2017

BBC Children in Need

Playskill is delighted to announce that BBC Children in Need has awarded them a grant over a 3 year period. This grant will fund the new Garston Playskill group established in 2017 and initially funded by OneFamily. This much needed new funding for the group will ensure that this new group can continue to run. This group was established due to the increase in local demand for children with physical difficulty or delay aged 1 to 5 years old.

With the support of BBC Children in Need, Playskill will be able to continue reaching out to the young children in Hertfordshire by funding the provision of physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech & language therapists as well as the day to day running of a group. This will enable more children with physical disability or delay to benefit from vital specialist therapy and support, to help them gain skills for life, and reach their true potential. It will also enable families to access valuable practical and emotional support, to help reduce the stress and isolation they often experience.

Andrea Clarke said “I am thrilled that our brand new Garston group has established funding as it has been a fantastic success, and this ensures that the excellent work can continue.”

BBC Children in Need funding relies on the energy and commitment of thousands of fundraisers and supporters across the UK who donate their time and money to support the Appeal. Whether it’s cake sales, wearing pyjamas to school or having a song and dance, every penny of the money raised goes towards supporting projects across the UK.

All grants go to projects working with children and young people living in the UK who may be affected by homelessness, neglect, abuse or poverty, or those who have faced challenges in their lives such as serious illness, disabilities and psychological disorders.