August 2011 Mums’ night out
The Playskill Mums enjoyed another night out in August thanks to Cedric Levitt – many thanks to him as always!
News posts since 2008
The Playskill Mums enjoyed another night out in August thanks to Cedric Levitt – many thanks to him as always!
Our parents’ book information breakfast was a great success. Nearly 20 attended and received free books from Herts Library Service for children with additional needs. A big thank you to them!
Hemel Hempstead Playskill finished its term with a lovely party picnic with food provided by Sainsbury’s Apsley, and beautifully prepared by Sissel and Bex Parish. We had a lovely time and enjoyed walking out onto the grass under the big trees and singing goodbye there too!
Our 5th summer beach party was great fun! We so enjoyed playing in the sand and water, throwing beach balls in our target shoot and having lots of party food too. Teddy came along for another Pat the Dog special time and we had a lovely singing time.
Here we are making the best of sunny weather in the groups – enjoying lots of fun and getting ready for our wonderful beach party!
We were delighted to have a visit on Friday 8th July from Claire Williams and Gemma Smallney from Sainsburys in Apsley to announce that Playskill Hemel Hempstead is their charity of the year. Not only that, but they brought us a cheque for £500 too! We are very grateful for […]
Many thanks to Cedric Levitt for the wonderful lunch that he organised for all the Playskill Mums and trustees on Saturday 25th June. It was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone!
A big thank you to the Clarendon Rotary Club for inviting Playskill to join them on an outing to Whipsnade Zoo!